Cream of green pea soup (fresh or frozen peas) Crème St. Germain


Cream of green pea soup (fresh or frozen peas)Crème St. Germain


25 g  onion

25 g.  leek

25 g.  celery

25 g  butter, margarine or oil

25 g  peas (shelled) or frozen

250 ml  water or white stock

sprig of mint

bouquet garni

200 ml thin béchamel

20 ml cream


1 Sweat onion, leak and celery in the butter.

2 Moisten with water or stock and bring to the boil.

3 Add peas, mint and bouquet garni, and allow to boil for approximately 5 minutes.

4 Remove bouquet garni, add béchamel and bring to the boil.

5 Remove from the heat and liquidise or pass through a sieve. Skim off any fat.

6 Correct seasoning, pass through medium strainer.

7 Finish with cream frais.
