Buttered carrots


Buttered carrots / carottes au beurre


100 gm carrots

1/2 tsp salt, pepper

10 gm butter

1tsp chopped parsley


1 Peel and wash the carrots.

2 Cut into neat even pieces or turn barrel shape.

3 Place in a pan with a little salt, a pinch of sugar and butter. Barely cover with water.

4 Cover with a buttered paper and allow to boil steadily in order to evaporate all the water.

5 When the water has completely evaporated check that the carrots are cooked; if not, add a little more water and continue cooking. Do not overcook.

6 Toss the carrots over a fierce heat for 1-2 minutes in order to give them a glaze.

7 Serve sprinkled with chopped parsley.

