Lemon Tart / Lemon Tartlet


For Dough

100 gm Refined flour

30 gm Powdered sugar

60 gm Fat

1 tsp Vanilla powder

Salt - Pinch

water - to mix

For Stuffing

2 no Egg yolks 

30 gm Sugar 

100 ml milk 

1/4 tsp Lemon zest 

Few drops Lemon essence


  1. Beat the egg yolk and sugar till it became light and fluffy cream
  2. Pour the milk then mix it well, then Cook it in double boil method to make a thick custard 
  3. Add the lemon zest and essence 
  4. Prepare the dough with the above ingredients and make it sheet and cut into desired cutter
  5. Place it over the tartlet moulds and prick
  6. Fill 2/3 with the above filling and bake it at 170 degree Celsius for 15 mins

