Egg on Tomatoes



200 gm Tomatoes

100 gm Onions

5 gm ginger 

5 gm Jaggery

1 tsp chilli powder

2 nos Eggs

20 ml oil


1. Blanch and chop tomatoes. Peel and chop onions. 

2. Grind ginger.

3. Heat fat. Brown chopped onions. Add all ingredients except eggs and jaggery and cook till sauce thickens. 

4. Add jaggery. Mix well and cook for 5 minutes.

5. Spread the pulp in a shallow pan or pie dish. 

6. Make slight dents. Break eggs one at a time into wet cups and pour one in each dent. 

7. Cover and cook with live coal on top of lid, or in an oven, till eggs are fairly hard.
