

250 gm refined flour 

20 gm Sugar 

3 gm Yeast 

5gm Milk powder 

1 gm salt 

100 ml water

For layer 

50 gm Fat

20 ml oil 

20 gm Flour  

10 gm sugar


1. Take the flour, sugar, milk powder, salt, and yeast then mix it well 

2. Gradually pour the water to make soft dough, then knead it well for 5 mins 

3. Mix the fat, sugar, oil and flour then keep it aside 

4. Roll the dough as like flat 

5. Apply the fat mixture then fold into multiple 

6. Again roll it then apply fat then make a flat 

7. Cut into small squares then join the four edges into center of square 

8. Arrange in tray then bake it for 20 mins at 180 c
