Indonesian chicken soup with noodles


100 gm Chicken 

1 stalks lemon grass 

1/2 tsp peppercorns 

1 tsp coriander seeds 

1 tsp cumin seeds 

4 nos Shallots 

2 nos garlic 

2 nos lemon leaves 

Salt - to taste 

1/2 tsp turmeric powder or fresh turmeric 

1 tbsp minced ginger 

1 tbsp Groundnut oil 

30 gm Vermicelli 

1 tsp lemon juice 

1 tbsp chopped celery 

1 tsp chilli paste 


1. In hot water add the chicken, lemongrass, lime leaves and salt then leave it to boil till chicken tender

2. Strain the chicken then remove the lemon grass and leaves, deboned and  split the meat into small pieces 

3. Ground the coriander seeds, cumin, peppercorns until fine powder then add the shallots, garlic, ginger and turmeric into fine paste 

4. Heat the oil and fry the masala paste then add the chicken and stock water, bring to boil for 10 mins 

5. Add the vermicelli then cook it for 5 mins  

6. Turn off and add the lime juice 

7. Garnish the soup with fried onions, celery and boiled rice 

