Chocolate Tart / tart


60 gm Chocolate 

3 nos Eggs 

12 gm Gelatine 

75 gm Powdered sugar

110 gm Sweet paste ( see the recipe in search


1. Separate the egg yolk and egg white keep it aside 

2. Melt the chocolate in double boil method, Add the egg yolks to the melted chocolate and whisk it well  

3. Soak the gelatine in hot water 

4. Roll the sweet paste dough and place it over the tart mold then baked it oven for 20 mins at 180 c

5. Beat the egg white with sugar and make it stiff and fold it to chocolate mixture with gelatine 

6. Pour it over the tart shell, garnish with chopped nuts and chill them 

7. Once it set, cut and serve  
