kalu dodol


 Thick coconut milk – 200 ml

Thin coconut milk – 250 ml

Jaggery – 200g

Toasted white rice flour – 40 g

Crushed roasted mung bean – 20 g

Sago – 20 g


  1.  Grate the coconuts
  2.  Extract the thick and thin milk from grated coconut. Besides, get ready with jaggery, toasted white rice flour, crushed roasted mung bean, and sago.
  3.  Take a large cooking pot and add jaggery, toasted white rice flour, and thin coconut milk. Mix them well.
  4.  Now switch on the flame and stir frequently.
  5.  Stir and cook under the very high flame until it turns to cake batter consistency. 
  6.   Add ¾ of thick coconut milk and stir under the very high flame until it again turns to cake batter consistency. 
  7.   Now add rest of the thick coconut milk and crushed roasted mung bean.
  8.  Stir and cook under the high flame until the batter turns to a bit thick and produces oil around the batter. 
  9.    Now, add the sago and cook under medium flame for 5 minutes. Stir frequently.
  10.   Using a spoon, take off the excess of oil.
  11.  Then pour the thick oily dodol batter in a flat tray and spread it evenly. Once it comes to the room temperature cut into pieces.
  12.   Serve the Sri Lankan coconut and jaggery sweet. 
