Sweet Tart


120 gm Butter

65 gm icing sugar

Salt pinch

30 gm almond flour

1 no whole egg (or) 50 ml milk

265 gm flour

For Topping

100 gm Dark chocolate


1. cream the butter, icing sugar and salt till it like fluffy

2. Pour the egg or milk then mix with cream

3. Add the almond flour and refined flour to make a dough

4. Rest the dough for 15 mins for bonding of all the ingredients

5. Take the tart mould and apply fat

6. Dough divide into ball and roll it flatten

7. place the rolled sheet on above the mould and press it with thumb

8. Bake the tart at 180 ℃ for 20 mins and cool it

9. Melt the chocolate in double boil method and add nuts and dry fruits in it

10. Pour the chocolate stuffing into tart and serve it with decoration
