Dates and Cashewnut pies


Pie Dough

200 gm Refined flour

60 gm Sugar

120 gm fat

1/2 tsp salt

water - to mix

For Stuffing

50 gm cashewnuts

50 gm Raisins

50 gm Dates

100 gm Cake crumbs

20 gm sugar

1/ 2 tsp cardamom powder

30 ml water


  1. 1. Make a dough with above pie ingredients, then keep it aside
  2. 2. In cake crumbs add sugar, cardamom powder, chopped dates, cashewnuts and raisins
  3. 3. Mix the water into it to make a stuffing
  4. 4. Roll the pie dough like a chapati
  5. 5. Place it over the pie mould
  6. 6. Place the stuffing above the layer
  7. 7. close the pie with above one layer
  8. 8. Bake it at 180℃ for 25 mins
