Mulligatawny Soup


100 gm Chicken

1 lit Water

1 tsp Coriander seeds

1/2 tsp Fennel

200 gm Tomatoes

1 no Onions ( sliced )

4 nos Garlic

Turmeric - pinch

1/4 tsp cumin

1/4 tsp fennel powder

1/2 tsp Ginger

1 no Cinnamon

1/4 tsp fenugreek

curry leaves - a small sprig

4 tbsp oil

1 cup Coconut milk

salt - to taste


  1. clean the chicken bones and keep it aside
  2. Pour water and let it simmer for half an hour
  3. Grind together coriander, cumin, turmeric, and fennel
  4. Add ground ingredients, fenugreek, onion , garlic ginger, cinnamon , curry leaves tomatoes and salt
  5. Boil until chicken done
  6. Strain off stock and put back best pieces of chicken into stock
  7. Mix remaining ground fennel with coconut milk and add stock
  8. Heat oil and fry remaining onion
  9. when it turn brown put it in prepared stock
  10. Pour the lime juice and salt to taste and let it boil up once
