Mango Mousse

 Mango Mousse 

Preparation time : 20 min

Freezing time : 30 mins 


2 nos Egg yolk 

40 gm sugar ( powdered)

100 ml Milk

25 gm Gelatin 

50 ml water 

160 ml Whipped cream 

80 ml Mango Puree ( 2 no)


1. Measure the mango puree, egg yolk, powdered sugar, milk together on a clean bowl 

2. Soak the gelatin in hot water 

3. Cook the mango puree mixture on a double boiler method, till it thickens 

4. Remove from the double boiler and add the melted gelatin

5. The mixture is became cold add the whipped cream and mix it well with a whisk 

6. Pour the mixture into the glass or silver bowl

7. Leave the mousse in the freezer till it sets 

8. After 30 mins, Take out the mousse from the freezer then demould  it, cut and serve it chill
