Irish Tea Cake

Irish Tea Cake 

Preparation Time : 45 mins

Yield : 350 gm 


100 ml Black tea 

125 gm Raisins 

100 gm Dates 

90 gm Brown sugar

1/2 no Egg 

30 gm Butter 

125 gm Refined flour 

2 gm Baking powder 


1. Make a black tea.

2. Once the black tea is ready add the raisins, dates, brown sugar and baking powder into the black tea

3. Cream the butter well till it is light and incorporate the eggs into the batter mixture creaming it well 

4. Once the mixture is creamed well fold in the flour and mix it gently

5. Mix the better mixture into the black tea mixture and whisk it to bind well 

6. Pour the batter into the cake mould and bake it at 175℃ till done 

7. Once baked remove the cake from the cake mould, cool it and serve it sliced 

