Mutton vindaloo/ Goan Mutton Vindaloo/ Goan Style Mutton Vindaloo - step by step procedure with Image



500 gm Mutton

1 tsp Cumin

225 gm Onion

¼ tsp Turmeric

2 tsp coriander seeds

10 gm Garlic

10 gm Ginger

2 tsp Red chilli powder

5 gm Cloves, cinnamon, cardamom

5 gm Peppercorns

10 gm tamarind

A sprig Curry leaves

Salt – to taste

Oil – 30 ml 



1.    Clean and cut meat and wash it well 


2.     Grind spices to a fine paste using tamarind. 

3.     Rub meat with ground spices and salt, and keep for a few hours. 

4.     Heat oil. Add onion and curry leaves. When sauted well and add it into meat mixture 

5.     Cook it in pressure cooker till meat is tender ( 5 or 6 whistle)



