Schezwan Sauce - Chinese Sauce


  1. Chilli Powder           -     6 tbsp 
  2. Vinegar                     -     2 cap 
  3. water                         -   1/2 cup ( 50 ml)
  4. Salt                           -    1/2 tbsp 
  5. Ginger Garlic paste  -    1 tsp 
  6. Celery ( chopped )   -    1 tsp  
  7. Oil                            -    50 ml 

1. Mix the chilli powder, salt, vinegar and water, make it like a paste and keep it aside 
2. Heat the oil in kadai and then add the mixture into the oil 
3. Make it as like a thick gravy
4. Stop the flame while the oil release from the sauce 
5. Now it ready to store. After cool the sauce and store it in refrigerator. use whenever you needed. 
    it will good for 1 month 

