Paneer Pepper fry / cottage cheese pepper fry /chinese style paneer pepper fry - step by step procedure with pictures


for batter 

1. Refined flour     - 100 gm 
2. Cornflour           -   50 gm 
3. salt                    -   1/2 tsp 
4. Pepper powder -   1/2 tsp 
5. soy sauce         -    1 cap 
6. water                -    to mix 
7. Mushroom        -   200 gm 
8. Oil                     -    to fry 

Sauce ( for 200 gm mushroom )

1. Chopped Ginger     -   1 tbsp 
2. Chopped Garlic      -    1 tbsp 
3. Celery                     -    1 tbsp 
4. Onion  ( cubes )      -    1 no 
5. Capsicum ( cubes ) -    1 no 
6. Greenchilles            -    2 nos 
7. szechuan chilli sauce - 1 tbsp 
8. soy sauce                  -  1 cap 
9.  Salt                           -   1/2 tsp 
10.Pepper powder         -   1 tsp 
11. Spring onion (chopped) - 1 tbsp 


1. Take the refined flour, cornflour, salt , pepper powder, soy sauce in vessel, then mix it well 
     gradually add the water to make it as thick batter 

2.  Heat the oil and fry the mushrooms and keep it aside 

3. Make the pre arrangement for the sauce cut all the vegetable ingredients for ready to use        like chopping, cubes , etc 

4. Heat the oil then add the chopped ginger, garlic, celery into it fry it well

5. Then add the cubes of onion, capsicum and green chillies then saute it well with good               aroma  
6. first add the szechwan chilli sauce then saute it well

7. Add the soy sauce and to mix it well

8. Now add the water or stock water for make the sauce as lite for mixing with mushroom

9. Check the salt and pepper in salt 
10. Add the fried mushrooms into the the sauce, then mix it well

11. finally add the spring onions, then serve it hot immediately  

