Doughnut / Donut



1. Refined Flour         -    250 gm
2. Sugar ( powdered)  -      30 gm 
3. yeast                       -        5 gm 
4. vanilla powder       -        1 tsp 
5. water                      -       50 ml 
6. Fat                          -       10 gm ( optional )
7. Oil                          -       for fry 
8. salt                          -       1/4 tsp 

For dip / garnish 

Dark chocolate -     100 gm 
Milk                 -        50 ml
Sugar candies   -          1 tsp 


1. Measure the ingredients for ready to prepare 
2. soak the instant dry yeast in Luke warm water  for 2 mins
3. Mix the refined flour, sugar, vanilla powder, fat, salt and the then add the soaked yeast into it 
4. Then pour the water gradually to mix the flour mixture and make it very very soft dough 
5. Rest the dough for 20 mins to form the dough as a fermented dough
6. Take the fermented dough and press it to release  the air from it, and the roll it like as chappati but          not as like chappati some more thicken that.
7. Use the cutter to cut the rolled dough 
8. Fry the doughnut ring in oil after 5 min like golden colour  
9. Take the chocolate and melt in double boil method with milk
10. After melted texture dip the doughnuts into it and arrange it in plate 
11. Garnish with white chocolate or sugar candies 

Note : Watch the video for  more realistic preparation 
