Carrot Halwa - Step by Step Procedure with the pictures



  1. Carrot          -  750 gm  
  2. Sugar           -   1/2 kg 
  3. Milk             -   1 lit
  4. Cardamom   -   12 nos 
  5. Ghee            -    50 ml 
  6. Cashew nuts - 20 gm ( 2 Tbsp )
  7. Raisins ( dry grapes ) - 2 tbsp  


  1. Heat the milk in kadai 
  2. After the milk is boiled, add the grated (or ) ground carrots into it

  1. Leave the carrot in the milk till it boiled well
  1. Grind the little sugar with cardamom make it as a powder it will give you good flavor 
  2. It will reach the dry texture then you add the sugar gradually 

  3. Again it look like a loose in texture, don't worry wait and stir till it thick
  4. Once it reach the thick in texture, heat the ghee and roast the cashew nuts and raisins till it light brown colour then pour it over the halwa 
  5. Now its ready to serve, enjoy the sweet with your family  
